Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let’s drive to work….in India

We took the same route to and from the office each day, which was very comforting since I was in such a strange land.  One day I decided to take pictures along the way.  I tried on the way home too, but that didn’t really work.

Since motorcycles were such a large method of transportation, their parking spaces were in makeshift parking lots along the road.

Some of the landscaping on the way out of the hotel compound.

More landscaping.

This was the traffic we merged into everyday.  Mostly we would slow down until other people slowed down enough for others to merge into the already moving traffic.

There were some intersections but most roads were also able to be opened to allow for a U-Turn area just about anywhere.  The metal Police signs probably would have messed up your car if you'd missed them and continued to drive straight.

Again, we slowly moved forward until someone approaching was moving slowly enough for my driver, Mujeep to pull out in front of someone.

Men seemed to like having these street meetings on the regular.  Not sure what was so important to discuss on the side of the road but there were almost always there.

A lot of sunshine.

The water trucks also hung out on the side of the roads.  

Yes, this is where people live. 

Countless half built buildings.

And piles of trash in certain areas.

I loved these street vendors.  This one had a nice selection of fruit and other goodies.

More homes.

I even saw KinderKare along the way. 

The only time I saw cows my entire trip!!!  I almost didn't get a picture. 

There were also headstones along the road.

Here is the office! We would drive through the cones everyday and have to wait for a guard to bring me a book so I could sign into the building.  Then my driver would go under the building into the parking garage and drop me at the Genpact doors.  I would go through a metal detector and someone would unzip and look through my backpack.  Once I was past that guard I would wait for 1 of 16 elevators that was going to the correct floor to make it's way to the parking garage level.  Finally one would appear and I would head up to the 4th floor where my bag was checked again for bombs or whatever they were looking for.  I would move through the turnstyle and head right down the hallway passing banks of lockers and 2 more guards before I made my way into the office. The trip into the building normally took about 5 minutes. 

I even tried to take a picture on the way home.  I think this was the hospital...

In the next installment I'll show what the other side of the drive to work looked like.  :)

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