Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Drive to Charminar, Part 1

After Saturday’s shopping bust I was very excited to head to Charminar for shopping with two female teammates, Rekha & Harmeet.  It was about a 45 minute drive so I took many pictures & a video in the car on the way.

Trying to get the colorful arch but I hadn't brushed up on my fast action camera shots yet. 

In between most buildings are blue tarps and piles of bricks.  You can never really tell if it's going up or coming down.

The city of Hyderabad was built from rocks. 

From what I could understand of my driver, Mujeep, this was the largest park in Hyderabad.  Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park

The Tuk Tuk (Mini India Taxi) is decorated by each driver.  They can range from different painted designs on the black top to a multitude of stickers on the actual yellow metal.  I only saw 2 Green Tuk Tuk's and wasn't quick enough to get a picture. 

People waiting for some sort of public transportation.  

The brown building is a temple.

You can still see the temple and some interesting street art. 

There were tons of little street vendors on the side of the road.  I have no idea what most of them were selling.  Sometimes it appeared to be water or juice and other times they had packets hanging from the roof; spices, maybe?

Tuk Tuk Truck transporting a Whirlpool appliance.  After all, we were heading into the rich neighborhood... 

Budweiser, anyone?  They advertise so much for not smoking and not drinking that I found this store front amusing. 

A young girl selling things.

This guy had lots of things hanging in his small store. 

Pizza Hut!

I wonder if they sell babies here. 

I was really glad this was not my hotel, along with a few others I saw. 

I have yet to see a cow but I did see a few horses today.  I caught this picture a little late but you can see a man riding a horse in the background. 

These mannequins were all covered and I couldn't figure out why. 

Fuel Station

Traffic moving into the Old City. 

I took all the Tuk Tuk pictures for Tony since I am not allowed to ride in one and I am okay with that after watching traffic move in India. 

Here's a video of people driving.  Makes me very glad to have a driver who knows how to maneuver on these streets.  
Warning: this was taken from inside my car.  If you get motion sick easily you may not want to watch. 

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