Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Drive to Charminar, Part 2

We continued on our trek to Charminar:

This was some sort of stadium, probably for Cricket. 

I was trying to capture the street behind this couple but clicked too late.  I don't think he was pleased I was taking their picture.

Some of the roads had metal 'barriers' that separated traffic directions.  Other roads had cinder blocks in the middle of the street.  I guess you wouldn't really want to run over one of those!

Lots of Ice Cream shops!!

This picture doesn't do this fresh fruit market justice. It was so colorful and beautiful, if you looked past the disgusting dumpster.

The women wearing all black were Muslims.  They were covered head to toe and you could only see their eyes.  The girls later told me that their family and friends can identify them from their eyes or their shoes.

This man was stringing something together but I couldn't tell what.

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